Thursday, July 26, 2012

Faith Without WORKS Is Dead!

As ALWAYS.......working on his bike (transportation)!
Exercising  FAITH that the bike will work!!

Just can't get away from Girls!! They are on my every
'footstep'  Haha!!
E. Richard's new companion E. Zagac (sp?)
I'm sorry that it is in here on it's side. I saved it to my photo program the correct way; but this is how it copied into his blog. Just wanted everyone to see the size difference in the 2 Elders!!!!  :-)

Hey Everyone!

This week my companion is going to Richmond for leadership training. I'll be with the Norfolk 2nd ward Elders for that time. There are always trips and events going on ever now and then. I think of Dad when he goes on a business trip and I marvel that I can deal with such changes these days. It's a great experience for me to go through and I welcome it....although it is scary at times. I look back and am thankful for what I experience.

Ferry Ride
Looks like he's a little WET!
Rain or Perspiration?? Both??

This last Saturday, I had my bike repaired and we traveled by ferry and light rail across Norfolk and Portsmouth. Again, I thought of Dad with his trips he takes all the time and also that we all must make these epic trips throughout our lives. It was great to look out over the Elizabeth River and see the naval ships getting worked on and the other ships traveling to and from locations.

I really enjoy talking to random people about their day and how they came to be here in the Norfolk area. It's great visiting and the conversation always comes back to what I am doing and why I'm here! :-)  So I figure I'm planting seeds and loving every minute of it! That particular day (Saturday) it rained on us all afternoon. The storm started in Portsmouth and followed us to Norfolk. As we took the ferry to Norfolk we stopped in the McArthur Mall to get some vitamins for my companion; and I've got to tell y'all - the sight of 2- soaked head-to-toe, treading water missionaries was a site to see! I'm sure that the custodians (at the mall) had fun using their mops that afternoon! After we left there we rode on the light rail where we shared the gospel with a young man looking to attend vet school in the near future. He was really nice and we enjoyed the conversation with him.

So my recent studies have been about FAITH. There seem to be 2 kinds of faith:

1. "Seeing is believing". EXAMPLE: The sun will rise tomorrow because it rises every day - or the plants grow and I will prepare for harvest. However, the other type of FAITH is found in Ether 12:6

"And now I Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show the world that  faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until AFTER the trial of your faith."

2. Believing something will come from my ACTIONS. Waiting for it while I WORK, things that are hoped for but not seen 'yet' but from OUR WORK it happens. EXAMPLE: A homeless person wants to live in a house, have a job and continue to better themselves. They must first believe they can obtain those goals and secondly they must put their beliefs into ACTION. As they actively seek employment; get a job and work, those goals are still in the 'belief' stage (hoped for; but not seen) and as they continue to work, they are exercising their faith as they actively HOPE for the end result. As time passes and they continue to work towards their goals, the rewards begin to come and they realize it's because they have EXERCISED THEIR FAITH. They have received a WITNESS after the trial of their faith.

James 2:17-26 clarifies the understanding of faith even more. Also read Moroni 7:33. Moroni gives us the direction we need to follow in order to have more success with faith.

Thanks for the scriptures you sent - those were AWESOME! It's good to hear that everyone is living life. I hope that this email helped and also that y'all know that I LOVE YOU!

Elder Richards

Virginia Richmond Mission
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints

More photos:

What a  SWEET face for a family to see!
Ready for the Day!
His companion as a 'Babe in Swaddling Clothes'! Haha!

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